Safari Planning
André is well equipped to assist groups and individuals with planning their safaris. Both novice and seasoned safari travelers will his advice very helpful and invaluable.
The planning consists out of the following:
Tour planning per day
Trip report showing distance as well as travel time and road conditions
Overnight places at campsites as well as chalets
Accommodation contact details
Fuel filling points Stock replenishment points
Safari tips and pitfalls Equipment list (what to bring)
Should you require more information in this regard, you can send André an email at andre@andre4x4.co.za

Safari Beplanning
André help jou om jou safari tydens ‘n persoonlike afspraak te beplan deur onder andere spesifiek aan die volgende punte aandag te gee:
Toerbeplanning per dag
Ritstaat wat afstand sowel as reistyd en padtoestande aandui
Oornagplekke by kamptereine asook chalets
Akkommodasie kontakbesonderhede
Brandstof aanvulpunte
Voorraad aanvullingspunte
Safari-wenke en -slaggate
Toerusting lys (wat om saam te neem)
Indien jy in hierdie diens belngstel kontak André deur ‘n epos te aan andre@andre4x4.co.za